Tagged with asset allocation


China Crisis: Is Beijing about to fire bazooka...

581 views July 08, 2015

Jeff Halley from Saxo Group in Singapore gives us a market update as exhausted Asian traders head...


China Crisis: The forex fallout hitting AUD...

426 views July 08, 2015

Ken Veksler, Director at Acumen Management, gives us his thoughts and views on the fallout from...


Jakobsen on Greece: Someone needs to lose big

711 views February 03, 2015

Greek shares rallied on Tuesday after hopes were raised over a possible debt deal with the...


The secret of successful asset allocation

663 views December 05, 2014

Successful asset allocation is key to the success of many traders. However, judging when to...


Knuthsen: Why I'm now neutral on bonds versus...

341 views October 09, 2014

Teis Knuthsen, Chief Investment Officer for Saxo Private Bank, explains why he's shifted his...


What next for Pimco after Gross' departure?

183 views September 29, 2014

What next for Pimco after Bill Gross, the man who built the firm into a 2 trillion dollar asset...


Trading and how to avoid bad timing mistakes

231 views June 17, 2014

If trading's all about timing, how do you judge it right? Many investors are failing to capture...


Garnry: Three reasons why equities will beat bonds

298 views October 01, 2013

Whilst most analysts suggest you should be overweight bonds, mainly because we the economy has...